martes, 15 de octubre de 2019


Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (ing / to infinitive)

1. I don't fancy ____________________ (go) out tonight.
2. She avoided ______________________ (tell) him about her plans.
3.  I would like _____________________ (come) to the party with you.
4. He enjoys _____________________ (have) a bath in the evening.
5. She kept _______________________ (talk) during the film.
6. I am learning ___________________ (speak) English.
7. Do you mind _____________________ (give) me a hand?
8. He decided ____________________ (study) biology.
9. I dislike _______________________ (wait).
10. He asked ______________________ (come) with us.
11. I promise _____________________ (help) you tomorrow.
12. We discussed ____________________ (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.
13. She agreed ________________ (bring) the pudding to the dinner.
14.  I don't recommend _________________ (take) the bus - it takes forever!
15. She suggested _____________________ (go) to the museum.

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