miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018


Here you have the scary film "The Tell Tale Heart", adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's short story of the same title. Let's watch it and do some activities about it. 


- What do you expect to find in a horror story?

- Watch the adaptation from Poe's tale and order the sentences as they appear in the film.
_____ True, I'm nervous , very very dreadfully nervous, but why would you say that I am mad?
_____ Yes, yes, I did it.
_____ He had never harmed me.
_____ A scream, my own gentlemen, a childish dream. But, come in, please.
_____ I think, I think it was his eye.
_____ Nothing out of place here.
_____ For an hour I didn't move a muscle.
_____ Of course I had to get rid of the eye.
_____ But there were still work to be done.
_____ Still I waited while time slowed, stopped, end out.

- Write a sentence with each word relating it to the story.
Example: old man The narrator lived with an old man.

gold                                                           eye                                           seven days

the beating of the heart                       a scream                                  the police

floor                                                         jail                                            mad

- Write a short horror story (about 100 words).

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