Here you have the scary film "The Tell Tale Heart", adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's short story of the same title. Let's watch it and do some activities about it.

- What do you expect to find in a horror story?
- Watch the adaptation from Poe's tale and order the sentences as they appear in the film.
_____ True, I'm nervous , very very dreadfully nervous, but why would you say that I am mad?
_____ Yes, yes, I did it.
_____ He had never harmed me.
_____ A scream, my own gentlemen, a childish dream. But, come in, please.
_____ I think, I think it was his eye.
_____ Nothing out of place here.
_____ For an hour I didn't move a muscle.
_____ Of course I had to get rid of the eye.
_____ But there were still work to be done.
_____ Still I waited while time slowed, stopped, end out.
- Write a sentence with each word relating it to the story.
Example: old man The narrator lived with an old man.
gold eye seven days
the beating of the heart a scream the police
floor jail mad
- Write a short horror story (about 100 words).